Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Brick Fair 2016 Chantilly VA

School starts this week, so last weekend we wanted to do something fun for the end of summer vacation. We had originally planned to visit to Williamsburg, but my son really wanted to go to Brickfair in Chantilly instead.

He listens to an online  Lego Bionicle Podcast and found out that the members of the pod cast would be there. 

So we waited in line to meet them, get autographs and have his picture taken with them.  It was all very exciting!

On our way to Brickfair (5h drive) my girl drew pictures of the podcast members. When it was time to give them to them, she kind of panicked and didn't want to give them the pictures. i encouraged her to give them the drawing and they LOVED them. They made a huge deal about it, and had her come up and they all asked to take pictures with her (instead of her asking to take a picture with them). They even took a video of her holding the pictures.

She loved the attention and my boy suspects she'll be getting a shout Out on the next pod cast. i think he was a wee bit jealous of the attention she got. ;) Especially since she doesn't even really listen to the podcast.

The Brickfair was pretty overwhelming! It was really large and there were so many people! One of the rooms had all the lego models on display.  These are not sets you can buy, but models people created on their own just using lego pieces.  They were truly amazing!  i'm sharing a couple of my favorites. 
The Harry Potter Quidditch pitch!  The details are unbelievable. Harry and Malfoy are both on broomsticks in the field. You can see Snape, Hagrid, Dumbledore etc up in the stands. i could have stood there all day looking at all the details and finding different mini-figures we recognized.  

The White Council (LOTR).  i love the way the bricks look like water.  

The inside of the tardis. :)  This was amazing and so detailed.

These pictures are entirely made of lego, and they change depending on which angle you are looking at them. There was a lot of 2-d artwork like this besides just the models.

There were so many full landscape sets that were just unbelievable.  So much detail! We really enjoyed looking at them all.  Half the room was models on display and the other half was legos for sale.

They had a second room with bounce houses, games and lego tables set up for the kids to build. 

It was really a pretty neat experience. It was much bigger than i was expecting it to be. i was also able to meet up with a friend i haven't seen in 6-7  years and her kids while i was there.  So that was incredibly special. 

My kids really had a fantastic time, and i have a feeling we'll be back next year if they have it again. 

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