Only a days behind. i started the post at the end of August anyway. Here are a few pictures from last month.
Mid August and tomatoes really coming in. Starting to get a few from all the different varieties i planted. Still getting lots of beans and cucumbers, getting a few squash as well.
Rainbow tomatoes make me happy. These are Early girl, Yoder's German yellow, Golden Jubilee, Cream Sausage, Yellow pear, Blue Beauty and Black Krim.
August 26. Still getting peaches! Peppers are starting to ripen, getting lots of tomatoes and beans. Late season blueberries which i'd forgotten about are starting to ripen.
August 29- My striped tomatoes which had been taking their time and finally starting to ripen. These are Berkley's Tie Dye, Striped Roman, Casidy's Folly, Tigerella, and Violet Jasper. Most of these are new varieties for me, although i've planted the Tigerella and Violet Jasper before. i tried growing the Striped Roman last year, but they never did much.
The Tigerella have done really well this year. The plants are totally loaded, however, they are not split resistant. After we had a drought the first half of the summer, then it finally rained, every single tomato on the plant not only split but basically exploded. The plant is loaded again, and so far they seem to be doing well. If we get a heavy rain again though, i'll need to pick them quickly.
My cold/storage pantry is really starting to fill up. We've since dug more potatoes, and added several dozen cans of tomatoes and peaches. It's looking good for end of August, into September. i haven't dug sweet potatoes or harvested winter squash yet and i'm still canning. i was just gifted apples, and i have a second planting of beans coming in.
It feels amazing to see all the food i've been able to grow and put up for my family. The whole state of the world right now has me a little anxious, i'm feeling a bit like a homesteader turned prepper. This past week, i've been filling the deep freezer and will get back to canning soon. i also have a fall garden planted, and hope to continue harvesting up until the first frost.
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