Friday, January 29, 2010
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Mohawk madness!!

The pink/fuchsia is made with funfur, and is a 3-6month size.
The blue is a 2-3T, also made with fun fur.
The one in the center is purple, 2-3T and made with tradition yarn, and just a bit fun fur accent.
These will be posted for sale on my website later today. i also have 4 or 5 hats made up, that are just waiting for custom mohawks. If your interested in one, feel free to contact me and i can check my yarn stash and see what yarns i've got available.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
My first giveaway!
Winner is #75
Pendant measures just under 2" long, and 7/8" across.

As many of already know, my husband is a fabulous glassblower/lampworker. Although i have always had an interest in glassblowing, i have never really had the opportunity to try it out. Several years ago, when my son was around 2.5 or 3, i played around in the glass shop briefly for a couple weeks, but then moved on to other things.
Well, last month i decided i wanted to try it again. i only spent a few hours in the shop working, but made several of these glass leaf pendants. i gave most away as holiday gifts, and kept a couple to sell.
BUY IT ! If you would like to purchase one for $10 similar to the one i am giving away, you can email me at enchantedtree(at)hotmail(dot)com.
WIN IT! You can win the pendant above by following the directions below.
***Main Entry: For your main entry, please visit The Enchanted Tree look around the catalog and/or gallery and let me know what is your favorite item or what you would like to see me making/focusing on again. You do not have to be a blogger, but be sure and leave your email address in your comment so i can contact you!
Extra Credit Entries: (must do main entry first to qualify- please post a separate comment for each extra credit entry or it will not count)
*Become a follower of my blog (publicly) and leave a comment letting me know you did. (follow button top right)
*Become a fan on facebook! leave a comment and make sure you include your name ( so i can verify).
* Subscribe to The Enchanted tree newsletter by email. Leave a comment letting me know that you did, and your email/name you subscribed with so i can verify.
*add a fan photo on my facebook fan page, and leave a comment letting me know you did and which photo you added. (photo must be of you/partner/kids with something you purchased from me.)
i will be using Random.org to pick the winner. Good luck!!!
If you do not see the comment link at the bottom, click the title to be directed to that actual blog post. Comment button is at top near title, and again at bottom of actual blog post.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Curling up with my crochet hook...
This year, winter came early and is refusing to leave. We received almost two feet of snow the week before Yule, and here halfway through January....it is still here. It has been extremely cold, and the snow has melted and refroze repeatedly, making it a slick, sharp, glacier of a landscape. No good for snowman, sledding, snowball fights or any of the usual winter fun. We have been stuck inside, staying as close to the wood stove as possible.

So i don't really do New Years Resolutions, although at the end of the year i do find myself reflecting back upon the past year and trying to become optimistic about the year to come. i have ideas and goals about what i'd like to see happen or what i'd like to see change, but i don't make solid resolutions.
One thing that i am pushing for myself this year is to challenge myself more. i have been crocheting for years, and i'm quite good at it..i think. However, i have never taken the time to learn to read crochet patterns...i don't even know the names of the different stitches i use. Which means, i can't write my own patterns ...nor can i ever make anything twice. Well, at least not the exact same. So one of my goals this year is to learn to read patterns, and learn to write my own.

While sitting and snuggling in front of the woodstove, i have been playing around with different hat styles. i've been making a lot with the brims and decided to try incorporating the stitch that i used in the Diamond Ridges pattern in the middle of my regular hat pattern. i'm very pleased with how it turned out, it really kind of spiced up this rather basic style. My husband liked it so much he requested one for himself. So my next attempt will be a similar hat using a variety of colors...which should be another challenge for me.
i would love to say that i am embracing the season, but truth is i am not. i am ready for spring, i am ready for the snow to melt and ready for something else. i am however embracing the challenges, and pulling myself out this state of complacency and not only accepting change but encouraging it. One change you my readers, can look forward too is more blogs, more work for sale and a few fun giveaways! i am feeling very generous lately, and am excited to start giving back to those who have been showing us support all these years. ;)
Sunday, January 10, 2010
More handmade gifts...
These are some of the gifts that i made last year.
This year Sage has really gotten into her play kitchen and play foods. Over the last couple years i have made her all kinds of crocheted foods, and decided to try something different. This pizza is made using felt and the crust is stuffed with alpaca fiber. The topping can be taken on and off, and are all hand sew. i scored a perfect sized pizza box from our local pizza parlor, and it made for an amazing presentation and storage!

Of course there is no way i could afford that price tag, and could not find them available anywhere else. So i decided to make my own. This is made entirely out of scrap felt that i had on hand. The base is felt with a hidden layer of recycled cardboard, and a bit of wool stuffing . i love working with felt, it is so easy to work with and extremely forgiving. No need to serge or finishes edges, and if your stitching looks sloppy just pull it a bit tighter and the stitches disappear. :)

For my son, i was not quite sure what to make him. He's getting a bit too old for the type of toys i normally make. Last year i crocheted him a couple pokemon, and a Crusty Crab crocheted food set. This year i had considered trying to crochet Momo from The last Airbender, but after looking at some really cool wooden pirate ships i decided to attempt making him one out of felt.

Like every year, our gifts consisted of a bit of new, a bit of handmade, a bit of (used)recycled. The kids love it all, but it's an amazing feeling to see them cast aside the loud battery operated plastic junk toys, and reach for these handmade toys that i created for them. These are the treasured toys, and i'm certain they can feel the love that was put into them.
Wow tree.. I love your beadwork. I can't seem to pick just one but the Keepers of the Forest is probably closest to being my favorite. I love your clothing as well but it looks as if you may be done with that.