This is my latest doll, that is not quite finished..but getting there. She is one that was started quite a while ago, but never finished. It always takes me a bit time to figure out their personality, and how to best accessorize them.

In the past, i did a lot of 'hippie style' accessories. Hair wraps, peyote stitches, tams & intricately beaded necklaces. Recently, i'm finding myself drawn more to simple, child friendly/waldorf style accessories. Felt crowns, play silks, wool sweaters, market bags, detachable wings.. etc.

i had this doll sitting on my craft table, next to the felt crown i had made for Sage. i just felt like she really needed one too. :)

i've also been playing around with felt shoes and slippers. They are so small, i have to hand stitch them, which i've actually really been enjoying. i think i may start doing more hand stitching with all of my dolls, and much less machine time sewing with the machine.

Just a sneak peek at what else i have going on. i have a couple of dolls blanks, that are just waiting to be accessorized. The one on the left is crocheted, and the one on the right was made using eco-felt. i really like how it turned out. i have been wanting to make a few more of the waldorf style dolls, but have been unable to find the natural tone cotton knit locally. So when i came across the felt, i wanted to try it out. i am quite pleased with the result, although i'm not entirely sure how durable she will be. Anyone have any experience with eco-felt durability? It seems to work well with the i'm thinking it would be good for a doll as well.
i am eager to get these finished and begin some new ones. Would love some feedback, what would you like to see?