Tropical Traditions is America’s source for virgin coconut oil. You can read all about the different uses for coconut oil here. They sell many different products using coconut oil, like skin moisteners and hair care products. Did you also know they sell tons of other organic/natural products? i was given the opportunity to review another product from Tropical traditions and was surprised by the variety of products they sell. They have everything from organic foods, to hair care items to cleaning products!
i chose to review their Canadian Raw honey, because we love honey and i was almost out. i typically buy local honey from a farm here in Floyd county, but it isn't certified organic and i was excited to try the Tropical Traditions Organic Raw Honey after reading it's description.
Tropical Traditions Organic Raw Honey comes from the frontier areas of Canada, and is only harvested during a 6-week period in the summer. Tropical Traditions is the exclusive source of this premium organic honey in the U.S. Most commercial honeys available on the market today come from bee farms, where the bees are controlled within a certain area and get their pollen from usually only one kind of flower. Many of the plants that produce these flowers (clover, orange blossom, etc.) are grown with pesticides and fertilizers as well. In addition, almost all honeys on the market are pasteurized in high heat and filtered, removing many of the beneficial nutrients and enzymes.

Tropical Traditions Organic Raw Honey comes from the frontier areas of Canada, and is only harvested during a 6-week period in the summer. Tropical Traditions is the exclusive source of this premium organic honey in the U.S. Most commercial honeys available on the market today come from bee farms, where the bees are controlled within a certain area and get their pollen from usually only one kind of flower. Many of the plants that produce these flowers (clover, orange blossom, etc.) are grown with pesticides and fertilizers as well. In addition, almost all honeys on the market are pasteurized in high heat and filtered, removing many of the beneficial nutrients and enzymes.
Tropical Traditions Organic Raw Honey has not been subjected to the heat of processing, only warmed enough to flow (same temperatures the honey would see inside the hive). We select only premium honey that is pure, smooth and creamy, with the consistency of soft margarine at harvest. It contains live yeast and enzymes, because it has not been processed. It also contains pollen because it has not been filtered—merely screened.
Fine textured crystals are characteristic of totally pure, unheated, unprocessed, raw honey. Properly crystallized honey has a fine, smooth texture. Crystallized honey preserves natural goodness and doesn't drip.
My thoughts on the honey? OMGoodness!! It is so good!! The taste is good, but the consistency is amazing! We love honey, but it really is messy. We typically buy the local honey that comes in canning jars, and i have never figured out a good way to get it out of the jar without dripping it all over the rim. Even the squeeze honey bottles end up sticky. The Tropical Traditions honey doesn't drip at all. It's thick, smooth and creamy like spreading peanut butter. Perfect for spreading on hot biscuits or toast. My kids have been eating honey & peanut butter sandwiches almost every day since we received our jar to review. We really love it!
You can purchase Tropical Traditions Raw Honey here. Right now it is on sale for $13.99, it is regular $20.99. If you order by clicking on any of my links and have never ordered from Tropical Traditions in the past, you will receive a free book on Virgin Coconut Oil, and i will receive a discount coupon for referring you.
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Disclaimer: Tropical Traditions provided me with a free sample of this product to review, and I was under no obligation to review it if I so chose. Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review or sponsor a product giveaway in return for the free product.