Thursday, September 19, 2024

IndestrucTable® ECO™ Table by Iceberg Enterprises Product Review


It's been a minute since i've done a public product review, but i recently got the chance to try out this IndestrucTable® ECO™ Table and wanted to share my experience! Over the summer i used one of our regular vending tables outside to pot some plants, and a surprise rain storm pretty much destroyed it. So i was looking for a new table that was multi-purpose. i wanted something that would work for vending and could also be used outside when we're camping or to start trays of seeds etc. 

One thing i really like about this one is that it's really easy to set up and it folds up for easy storage. It has a carry handle for easy transport. It's also really heavy-duty and is advertised as being environmentally friendly. The tabletop is made from 90% post consumer resin. It also has heavy gauge 1” bamboo green powder coated round tube legs for stability. It's described as being lightweight, but i found it to be pretty heavy (for me). i had to have Kenan do the unboxing because i couldn't lift it out of the box. i have a smaller folding table that is significantly lighter, but it's also not as solid or heavy duty as this one feels. 

The table top is dent resistant and really easy to clean. It is slightly textured, not a perfectly smooth surface. i added the iGear™ Stretch Cover and did a quick set up of our vending table and really think it's great! Over all, i'm pretty impressed with it. It's a little heavier than i was hoping, but it really does feel solid. Iceberg Enterprises is family-owned business committed to manufacturing in the United States. You can read more about them on their website.

i received this product at no cost in exchange for an honest review, my opinions are my own. 

 #Tryazon #IcebergEnterprises #ecofriendly #sustainable #sustainability #eco #sustainableliving #gogreen #nature #environment #savetheplanet #green #ecofriendlyproducts #ecofriendlyliving #smallbusiness #environmentallyfriendly #greenliving #ad #productreviewer 

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Eggs and Honey for Sale

Local folks. i'm in Floyd a few times a week and have extra eggs and honey available. Eggs are $5 per dozen. You can pick them up at our house or i can meet you in town. Connect with me on messenger to arrange pick up.

We have a limited amount of fall '22 honey available for purchase. If you are local you can pick up here, or i can meet in Floyd. For those that are not local we do ship.

Our honey is available in 1lbs glass bottles, 1lbs and 2 lbs plastic squeeze bottles and 8oz sampler jars.  My 8oz giftable sample jars are available as liquid honey w/mini honey dipper or crystalized honey with bamboo mini spoon.  They have a decorative fabric top and are perfect for gifting. 

You can contact me at  on messenger or email me at


Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Glass Pendant Giveaway!

 Glass Pendant Giveaway! 

It's been a long time since i've hosted a giveaway!   Winner will receive their choice of a random mushroom pendant or a goddess pendant. 

 Everyone can get the free entry to enter. You can do the optional other entries to increase your chances!

 US only. 

Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

*Temu is a shopping app like Amazon, by downloading the app you help me to earn free products and by sharing it with your friends you can win cash and freebies too. i've ordered from them a few times and received some awesome freebies playing the games. 

Thursday, December 1, 2022

This year in Mushrooms

 This poor blog is so neglected, but i still like to try to post now and again to keep it active. If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram then you've probably already seen all these photos, but i'm doing sort of a round up for the year. Mushroom hunting has gone from a little hobby to a full blown obsession. 

i'm not adding all my mushroom harvests from the year, but just a few of the more notable ones. This was 5-9-22. Normally i would be finding Morels in April/May but this year there were very few. The ones i did find were small and dry and the conditions just were not right for them this year. We did get several shiitake from out plugged logs.  They are several years old, so i'm always a bit surprised when they still flush.

We had another amazing year for Chicken of the Woods and chanterelles. This photo is from July.  Now that we've found a few logs that produce chicken of the woods on our property, we tend to check those spots every time we are out hiking. Same goes for cauliflower mushrooms and lion's mane. Anything that comes back year after year.  We have over a dozen logs now that we know produce chicken of the woods. We were able to pack the freezer full this year.

Another photo from July. We tend to find chanterelles and black trumpets from July until October depending on the conditions. i have a fabulous black Trumpet spot on my property under a grove of Beech trees. They are one of my favorites to find.  

This is our best Chicken of the Woods log. i stumbled upon it a few years ago and it has produced an amazing amount of chicken of the woods every year since. This year it flushed twice. Chicken of the woods is still my favorite mushroom. As long as you get it when it is prime it's absolutely delicious! 

We typically only mushroom hunt on our land, but decided to try some new areas on a hunt for Hen of the Woods (Grifola frondosa).  This is one of the few mushrooms we do not find often on our land. We found one small one several years ago, and check the spot every year but it never came back. This year i found one completely randomly while checking my Chicken of the Woods logs and it inspired us to go hunting off our property in some areas where i knew they often came up.

We ended up finding several at the beginning of September which is pretty early for them around here. We went back to the same place a few times and found at least one each time. Hens are great to cook and freeze for later. We were super thrilled to pack our freezer full. 

Every year i make sort of a mushroom bucket list.  i choose mushrooms i've never found before and try to find at least one before the end of the year.  Last year my bucket list mushroom was the Indigo Milk Caps. It was really exciting to find a whole patch of them on the land behind my house. This year i didn't even find one, but i did find Blewitts!  These are not rare or especially exciting, but i had never found one before and had it on my bucket list. The first one i found was at the same place i'd found the hens. After correctly identifying it i went looking in my own woods and found a few more.  These have to be one of the cutest mushrooms ever. They are edible, although i haven't tried them yet. 

This is a collection of some of the edible mushrooms that come up on my land. Chicken of the woods, chanterelles, cinnabars, black trumpets, honey fungus, Cauliflower mushroom, Hen of the woods, Lion's Mane, Purple gilled Laccaria, Green Russula and Shrimp of the woods.  i'm always amazed at the variety that pops up right in my backyard.  i've been wanting to get a picture for a while of all the different mushrooms, but can never find them all at the same time to get a group picture. This is the best i've gotten so far, although i'm still missing Oysters, hedgehogs, Indigos, pheasant backs, blewitts and of course morels (early spring).   i've only ever found hedgehogs here once and that was several years ago. i also found a Bear's Head Tooth here once.

i'm already looking forward to see what types of mushrooms we find next year! i've already found so many mushrooms that were on my bucket list i'm going to have to create a new one!  

Thursday, March 17, 2022

The Ranch Camp, Dugspur Virginia.

The universe works in such mysterious ways. When Kenan and i first started dating (over 25 years ago) he was really into BMX bikes. When we moved down here, he eventually gave it up because there just isn't a lot of places out here to do it without driving an hour.

Last year when he turned 44,  he bought a BMX bike, kind of on a whim in Richmond, VA when he was taking Sequoia back to Williamsburg.  Now that he is working in town, he's been riding it after work in the parking lot and around town and realized he really missed it and still really enjoying it.

So how crazy is it that we found out a BMX & skateboarding facility and camp is being built right in Dugspur, VA of all places?!?   Dugspur is a beautiful area in the Blue Ridge Mountains, but it's literally in BFE.  There is pretty much nothing in Dugspur, except the minimart with is about 3 miles from us.  We are closer to Dugspur than we are Floyd.   So although it's in the middle nowhere, so are we and it's actually not too far down the road from us! 

We were there for their media event and got to see some professional skate boarders and BMX riders our doing tricks and riding. It was really pretty cool.  The people building this facility helped to build/design/run (i can't remember the details) the Woodward skate park in Pennsylvania. 

When we were there, they were really just getting started. There were a lot of areas under construction and they were still working out details of their summer camp program. The first camp ended up canceled because of Covid, but that gave them time to add even more cool features to the facility!

They were still working on the dirt jumps and trails when we were there.  Although Kenan has been back a few times to ride, i haven't so i'm not sure what all they have going on now.  They are having an open house type of eent in April and Kenan is planning to go and ride and i'll probably go to walk the trails and mushroom hunt. :D 

The place used to be an old theater camp, so it's already got cabins and a club house etc. They were in the process of building more skateboard areas, including a 10,000 sq. ft indoor skate park, adding hiking trails, disk gulf, a pool and more!  

It's really a neat facility and almost unbelievable that it would be built so close to us right as Kenan decides he wants to get back into it.  Definitely some crazy manifesting going on there! 

You can check out The Ranch Camp here -

Follow them on Instagram- The Ranch Camp and Facebook- The Ranch-Camp