i have a pair of bluebirds that appear to be house shopping. i have two empty bird houses. One is an actual bluebird house and the other a wren house. Last week we cleaned them out and removed a bunch of moss from the previous tenants. i've never actually seen bluebirds nest in the bluebird house, and i'm guessing the sparrows or chickadees usually claim it. Anyhow after getting the houses cleaned out, i began to notice the blue birds.
They have visited the last couple mornings. The male sticks his head inside the wren house, and calls for the female. She pokes her head inside and then begins to bicker with him. i can just her her telling him 'it's too small, the location isn't right...the door isn't facing the right direction'. He checks it out again, trying to convince her it's a great house. It is so fun to watch them, and listen to them bickering back and forth. They have come back daily, but have yet to begin building their nest, so i think they are still looking for the perfect house. :)

It is always wonderful to see the butterflies return. i have only seen a few so far, mainly cabbage whites hovering over my brassicas. i did happen to spot this lovely swallowtail sunning herself at the edge of the woods.

i always enjoy my morning hike, and love seeing the new wildflowers that pop up overnight. My husband teases me for taking pictures of the same flowers year after year, but i can't help myself. You will see more posted each week as the woods begin to explode in colors.
An early-morning walk is a blessing for the whole day. ~Henry David Thoreau